Thursday, October 1, 2015

Know Your Audience

By: David Schuchman
Princeton Technology Advisors, LLC
      Innovative Solutions for Your Growing Business

Before you say or write anything, you need to consider the makeup of your audience and try to anticipate the type of presentation they want to hear. Salespeople are no strangers to the concept of “putting yourself in the buyer’s position.” It means that the seller (you) will consider what points to present, and your means to present those points.
Do not assume all of the people in your audience have the same perspectives as you. Everyone has different educations, income levels, present life situations. These individual life experiences are what will that form their perspective on any presented topic.

You may have heard the expression, "Open with a joke". It's often what someone hears as a point of advice when preparing for a presentation or important meeting. Opening a meeting or presentation with a joke can be a great ice breaker or put others at ease. Since technical topics can sometimes be difficult to grasp, it can also assist you in grabbing attention or creating a bond between you and your "audience". Be sensitive in a meeting or presentation that your audience will be composed of people who will all have different perceptions. Some may not appreciate your joke.

Knowing your audience — their beliefs, attitudes, age, education level, job functions, language and culture — is the single most important aspect of developing your successful presentation.